
Showing posts from 2007

My Favourite Actor

John Travolta is my idol and he's one of my favourite actor.John Travolta or his re al name John Joseph Travolta,the youngest of six children born to Helen Travolta and Sal vator e Travolta grew up in Englewood, New Jersey,Unit ed State of America.He was born on 1 8 February 1954.He's now 53 years old.Travolta gre w up in an Irish-American neighborhood.He has two brothers and three sisters.All of them were an actor & actress like h im.Travolta appeared in a local pr oduction of "Who'll Save th e Plowboy?".His mother enr olled him in a drama school in N e w York , where he st udied voice, dancing and acting. He decided to comb ine all thr ee of these skills and become a musical c omedy p erformer .He quit from school at 16 years old and moved to New York.Then,he went to Hollywood a nd appeared in minor roles in severa l series.Travolta gained his first major movie r ole as Billy Nola n in th e horror movie,C a rrie.In the next f ew years he appe...

HOLIDAY at ma lovely VILLAGE...

hello dude...i'ts been a long time since i post my blog..nothing special happened..i'm now having my holiday at my lovely village with a beautiful sight and amazing seaside make Kuala Perlis,a place to live..i dont wanna leave this place because i think i belong here...aku merasa cukup bahagia di sini....di sini aku dapat menikmati keindahan alam ciptaan Ilahi...betapa agung & indah ciptaannya...aku terpana melihatnya...aku menghabiskan cuti sekolah selama 2 minggu di sini...melepaskan rindu kepada datuk & nenekku yang tercinta...merekalah insan yang amat bererti dalam kehidupan aku selain kedua ibu bapaku...Datukku,Che Hassan berasal dari alor star dan berdarah kacukan melayu-india...merupakan seorang insan yang tenang,peramah serta sentiasa memberikan aku,adik beradikku dan sepupu-sepupuku ilmu dalam bidang agama...datukku dahulu merupakan seorang nelayan...pekerjaan itulah yang memberikan datukku rezeki untuk membesarkan 6 orang anaknya hingga berjaya pa...

Happy New Year

Assalamualaikum...tanpa diduga tahun baru menjelma lagi...pasti semua orang ada impian dan azam yang ingin ditunaikan pada tahun ini...jgn hanya berazam sahaja...usaha juga perlu dilakukan...jgn 'cakap x serupa bikin' cukuplah...i wish to all of you out there to have a great new year...celebrate it with joy & dont forget to do 'solat hajat' ok....may all your wishes come let me tell you bout my wishes this year: 1.I wanna be a good girl 2.I wanna get a good result in SPM(at least i wanna get 4As) 3.I wanna gain a slim body type...(it's all women's dream rite?) 4.I wanna buy a laptop...(alwayz dream to hv it) 5.I wanna be a loyal servant to Allah swt & do what He wants me to do 6.I wish all muslims in the world to have peace & blessing from Allah swt i think that's all my wishes for now....Happy New Year 2008...May this year be more meaningful for you!!!wassalam...:)