You are Rubbish

Assalamualaikum.. I'm not going to be harsh but just a little harsh to those who don't care to keep the environment clean.. Macam nak sula ja orang yang suka buang sampah merata-rata.. As a khalifah that's been gifted a brain to think, we should think about this serious matter.. Siapa lagi yang nak sayangkan alam ni kalau bukan kita? I am a Penangite.. I'll support the people who care to keep the environment cleaner and greener.. The Penang Chief has urged the Penangites to make Penang as one of the cleanest state in Malaysia or perhaps in the world.. If you come to, Penang you can see the ads board placed along the road or anywhere saying "Cleaner, Greener Penang." I also support the "No Plastic Day" Campaign.. It's a great kick start to save the environment.. Lots of campaign have been held to give awareness to people to love environment.. I've to admit that Penang is coming a little nearer to its goal from day to day.. It's been...