
Showing posts from December, 2008

Seloka 5SAINS1

Kelas 5S1 nama diberi, Tingkat satu lokasi kami, 12 putera 24 puteri, Hidup kami aman harmoni. Orangnya baik lagi disegani, Bahasa Melayu dekat dihati, Sering sahaja menasihati kami, Pn.Mazuriah guru kelas ini, Orangnya nakal berkaca mata, Diejek selalu di dalam kelas, Cikgu tiada asyik mengata, Itulah Hud si ketua kelas. Lim Wei Chuang digelar Doraemon kami, Orangnya rajin bukan pemalas, Cikgu tiada bukulah menemani, Itulah dia penolong kelas. Orangnya kecoh lagi ceria, Selalu murah dengan senyuman, Nak buat baju carilah dia, Farhah sedia menerima tempahan. Orangnya tinggi bertingkat-tingkat, Dalam kelas suka berlari, Ke hulur ke hilir gemar menyakat, Nama Kumaran empunya diri. Pengawas sekolah itu jawatannya, Budak teater yang sangat bergaya, Dalam kelas suka bertanya, Itulah dia Mugilan Suppaya . Banyak bertanya daripada menulis, Kekadang buat kita tak tahan, Kalau bermasalah berbahasa Inggeris, Joanne sedia menghulur bantuan. Jalannya tegak amat bergaya, Pandai berkat...

It's All About Life

Assalamualaikum. I don't know why I want to write in here right now....I'm currently watching my favourite tv show,ONE TREE HILL. I'm attracted to watch this TV show because of its story line. I'm quite attached to it right now. It's different than other English drama series....Full of fun, love, failure & success. This drama is basically about the life story of 5 best friends.They are totally different because they used to have intimate relationship with each other. Nathan ended up his single life by tying a knot with Haley. Lucas used to have an intimate relationship with Peyton & Brooke (his real ex-wife). But he ended up engaging with Peyton in season 6 (which I don't really like it). I don't like it to happen but it is what it is. It's what Chad ( the director) wants it to be...Most of us know why he wants the story to be like that...Most of us know his real life story with Sophia (Brooke)...The story has taught me a lot in my life..It bri...

One Word that Describes Myself...

ONE WORD SURVEY YOU CAN ONLY TYPE ONE WORD!!! Describe or write a name or word... no explanations! Yourself:: simple Your boyfriend:: none You mother:: strict Your father:: sporting Your hair:: black Your eyes:: brownish Your teeth:: bracessless Your favorite item in the whole world:: motorbike Your favorite subject:: mathematics Your favorite drink:: tea Your feet:: small Last night's dream:: vacation Your car:: no Your ex:: love The room you are in:: good The sky outside:: great You biggest fear:: lizard What you look for in a significant other::extraordinary What you are not:: pinky What you want to be in 10 years:: navy Favourite tv show:OTH

Gelagat Kami

Salam... I'm damn glad that I have loads of cool classmates... Some of them love to disturb other people... hahaha... I'm from 5 Science 1.... The class that is full with chaos.... hahaha... But I like it!!!~ Here are some pictures that had been taken during my school time.... I'll remember all the memory forever & ever till my la st breath... Gambar ni diambil kt foyer berdekatan dengan pejabat...adussss....Faez is truly not a photogenic type !!!Dia ni xska org amik pic dia kot...hahaha...ntah pepe la angni... Magician terkenal mana bley elak drpd camera ....hahahah... .Pic ni farhah yg snap ... In this photo: Amirul,faez,fizah,me.. Gambar ni diambil sewaktu aku abis wat persembahan muzik ....Dh abis duty,pe lg....Ajak member snap pic la...Gambar diambil kt  tangga blok kelas form 5.... Sorry mugilan.... We cant see your face ....hehehehe.. In this photo : amirul,farhah,saya,fizah,mugilan,faez,hud,irwan Gambar ni pun diambil kt tangga blok Form ...

Go0dByE SPM!!~

tinggal kenangan Assalamualaikum w.b.t... Bertemu lg kita di siaran selepas SPM....Hehe....Aku abis semua paper 25/11/2008. ... NO SCHOOL BOOKS!! NO TUITION CLASSES!! NO HOMEWORKS!!! NO SCHOOL EXAMS!!! AND ANYTHING RELATED TO SCHOOL!!!! Budak2 Science stream abis dulu....bahagia teramat sgt ni.... no words could describe my feeling rite now ...lepas2 abis,semua pakat2 amik r....lepas ni belum tentu jump a lg gm br tu sbg kenang-kenangan r...ada yg bersalam-salaman.... SELAMAT MAJU JAYA RAKA N-RAKAN!!! Rasa sayang plak nk berpisah dgn zaman persekolahan....zaman tu yg bnyk mengajar aku erti sebuah kehidupan yg indah....walaupun kadang2 bnyk benda x menyenangkan berlaku...mcm kena rotan,homework bny k,kena tu semua mmg lazim dalam kehidupan bersekolah kan??kl au xda tu semua,where are the thrill & the excite ment SK SEBERANG JAYA ...mmg bnyk kenangan indah....aku dpt bnyk kawan2 yg hebat2,pandai2,ceria,aktif & bnyk lg r....antara kawan2 se...