Gelagat Kami

I'm damn glad that I have loads of cool classmates...
Some of them love to disturb other people... hahaha... I'm from 5 Science 1....
The class that is full with chaos.... hahaha...
But I like it!!!~

Here are some pictures that had been taken during my school time....

I'll remember all the memory forever & ever till my la
st breath...

Gambar ni diambil kt foyer berdekatan dengan pejabat...adussss....Faez is truly not a photogenic type!!!Dia ni xska org amik pic dia kot...hahaha...ntah pepe la angni...Magician terkenal mana bley elak drpd camera....hahahah....Pic ni farhah yg snap...
In this photo: Amirul,faez,fizah,me..

Gambar ni diambil sewaktu aku abis wat persembahan muzik....Dh abis duty,pe lg....Ajak member snap pic la...Gambar diambil kt tangga blok kelas form 5....Sorry mugilan....We cant see your face....hehehehe..
In this photo: amirul,farhah,saya,fizah,mugilan,faez,hud,irwan

Gambar ni pun diambil kt tangga blok Form 5....Saja melepak kt situ...Dh xda keja kan....hehehe...Aku pn dh lupa sapa yg snap pic ni...In this photo: Hud,aku,faez,Hafizah.farhah,dzul,kumaresan

Aku xtau kenapa aku suka sgt pic ni...sumer laki kt dalam pic tu bajet hensem la tu...hud plak t'lebih over....tu pn xmo masuk Party 0ver lg la hud...hehehe...jgn mare...Gambar diambil dlm kelas aku,5SCience 1 kt meja ammar & kumaresan...In this photo: dzul,kumaresan,hud..

Aduhai...Ultraman zaman bila plak ni????Hahaha...Skali pndg cm mask rider(citer favourite aku masa kecil2) plak....hehehe....Hud saja nk tayang helmet Arai dia yg mahal tu...Xpa2....nnti aku bli helmet mcm helmet Rossi(my favourite racer) baru ang tau...hahaha...Kumaresan pn nk beraksi gak...hahah...Apsl x tunjuk muka dude???malu ke???hahahah...Mmg sporting btol hud ni...Sanggup pose ngn helmet dia....Tabik sama kamu!!~
In this photo: Kumaresan,hud

Gambar ni diambil dalam kelas aku jgk....Semua org dlm pic ni nmpk ceria belaka sbb they are my FRIENDS!!!hehehe...semua kwn2 aku ceria & happy go lucky..Kami lepak dlm kelas lepas penat ronda satu skool...Time tu boring yg amat sgt....Sbb tu la semua pakat sibuk snap pic...hehehe...Time tu cikgu khalid ada dlm kelas tp dia buat xtau ja...Dia x ajar pn sbb ramai xda dlm kelas....Lgpn dia ckp semua student dlm 5SCience 1 dh pndai...Aiii,cm perli ja cikgu!!!~hehehe...
In this photo: Dzul,hud,asrar,kumaresan,fizah,fazliana..

Pic ni mmg gila2 abis...Ntah apa2 la mereka ni...Xda kerja...Actually,i just want to take hud's photo..Aku swoh la dia lukis apa2 kt papan hitam...Nak bg nmpk gempak la kononnya...Pastu baru ja aku nk snap,tetiba ja dua org x diundang ni masuk skali dlm pic...Aku pn snap gak ar...This pic is kind of cool walaupun dua org ni menghancurkan pic ni..hahaha....Hud was trying to hold the picture he had drawn....Gambar diambil dalam kelas aku...
In this photo: Kumaresan,Ashraf,Hud...

Pic ni lagi hancur...Seorang lg interfere...hahaha.....Ish,tangan sapa plak tu...Kesian kat hud...Pic dia x menjadi...Poor on you HUD!!Sekali lg pic ni diambil dlm kelas kesayangan aku...In this photo: Kumaresan,Yukiish,Ashraf,Hud..

Last but not least I hope we can gather together around someday..
Perhaps a cool reunion,guys..
Can't wait for the day..


aCe+ said…
ceria ja ek clas hampa
frhfm said…
windu!!! windu!! haha.. thanX for ur commentssss!
Fyruz said…
to farhah:
rindu kt hpm semua jgk!!!
bila ley wat reunion erk..

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