Light It Up Blue

April is greeting us and it's World Autism Awareness month. Today is 2 April 2014 and it's Light It Up Blue Awareness campaign. It's a campaign to raise awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and people all around the world are encouraged to turn their blue light on or wear blue.

I don't have a blue light bulb so I wear blue (my favourite colour! ) today to show my support to people with ASD. This is the least that I could do for them. There will be another campaign called Wear It Blue campaign if I'm not mistaken. Whatever it is, I'm going to wear blue more often this month. Hopefully there will be more eye-and-heart-opening awareness campaigns to enlighten people including me about ASD so that we can better understand on how to deal or take care of people with ASD.

Nice blue car.- AutismSpeaks

The Tokyo Tower- AutismSpeaks
Lots of countries and cities participated in this campaign. Some of the places turned into a spectacular view.Some people painted their car blue and some of them dyed their hair and beard blue. So, light it up blue, people!


p/s: Though I wear blue, I don't feel blue. :)


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