Unemployed Dudette

Assalamualaikum. It's been few months since I updated my blog. It's not that I'm tied up with something but I'm so lazy like crazy. Being at home makes me feel like hibernating all day long. I just finished my practical training recently and now I become an unemployed dudette. It's good to stay at home but I need something to freshen up my brain & body. Some stuff that I do so far are cooking, reading, swimming, gardening, house-choring and ... just those stuff I think. Hahaha. Right now I'm so into trying new recipes and new cooking techniques. So far I've made:  
  1. Caramel candy.
  2. Caramel popcorn.
  3. Ice cream.
  4. Chocolate and raisin bread.
  5. Rice puff. (Lots of trials and errors)
which turned out quite good I guess (Good for a beginner like me). I'll share some of the recipes on my blog (As if people will read it). Sharing is caring. I found all the recipes with the help of Mr.Google so I'll attach the original websites so that if you're not into taking your precious time reading on my blog you can read the recipes on that websites. Fair enough. I'm going to stop babbling and see ya when we see ya. :)

p/s: Food Network helps me a lot!


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