Dusty blog yeah?

It's been a while since I updated this dusty blog. Just don't know what to write about. There weren't many interesting things going on in my life for the past few months. I'm officially a student after not being a student for few months, I'm still an unemployed dudette, my love for cooking isn't fading instead it grows bigger and stronger. That's all I reckon. What a boring life I have but I'm quite happy with my life right now. I have a lovely family, I have enough food to eat. I have a comfortable house. I live in a good environment with positive vibes (I reckon). Currently I'm quite in a mood to lose some weight and change to a healthy lifestyle. When you're at home, you just can't resist the temptation to eat like crazy. There's no 'diet' in my self-dictionary when I'm at home. I start to go for jogging (3 km is enough for me at the moment), swimming (100m is okay), and cycling within my neighbourhood area. That pretty much sums up what I do during my semester break and I hope I'll continue to do what I'm doing at the moment once I get back to school. Not to forget, I'm in a mission to clear up my breakouts (first world problem). I'll tell you what I did to clear my breakouts in the next blog entry. Nothing to babble anymore so have a good day ahead! :)


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