
Showing posts from June, 2010


Salam.. Baru abis tonton Germany-Ghana match.. X sia2 la dok depan tv.. At last Germany dpt jgk kick one goal. One goal.. Enough for them... Thanks to Mesut Ozil .. Nice & long goal strike.. Lawa jgk jersey hitam Germany.. Rasa mcm nk beli.. Tp x perlu kot.. Fyruz,buy necessary things only.. You need to tighten your purse string.. DSLR camera in mission.. Remember that... Terlepas nk makan nasi kandaq ari ni.. Sedih.. Anyone,bwk sy g makan nasi kandaq.. Mengidam... p/s:Sakit tengkuk.Aaachiichaa...

Two of Us

Two of us.. Sisters Forever.. I just love this picture..

Tersedar kini

Kadang2 Allah sembunyikan matahari.. Dia datangkan petir dan kilat.. Kita menangis dan tertanya-tanya.. Kkemana hilangnya sinar.. Rupa2nya Allah nak hadiahkan kita pelangi.. Oh,aku tiba2 tersedar daripada lamunan.. Ya,Allah pasti sediakan aku sesuatu yg lebih baik.. Setiap benda yg berlaku pasti ada hikmah disebaliknya.. Pasti Allah merancang sesuatu yang lebih baik untuk aku.. Fyruz,get up from your sleep.. Allah will always be with you.. As long as you never forget Him.. p/s: Kuat kuat kuat.

Exam Result?

Salam. Dah masuk berapa hari exam result dah keluar.. Most of the students probably have taken a look at their results.. I'm excluded. Xda kekuatan utk tgk result lg.. Rasa berdebar.. Tadi checked email.. Uitm have emailed me my exam result.. Mcm tau2 ja aku xnak buka studentPortal. Malas nak buka.. Kekuatan blum cukup maksima.. I just ignored the email.. Buat mcm x wujud.. Tunggu la bila tiba masanya,aku akan tgk jgk result aku.. Currently Im not in a take-a-look-at-my-result mood yet... So far,yg aku tau Dzul ja kot yg dpt dekan.. Kamu sgt terer Dzul.. Sy sgt bangga sama kamu la.. Aku xtau result Zue lg.. Cmna la result hmp ek?? Teringin nak tau... Okay la.. Nak tgk Brazil vs Korea Utara... Kaka... Kaka.. Waka waka.. Actually x minat pun Kaka.. Saja nk tgk dia main.. So long.. Bye.. Wassalam.. p/s: Germany..I love you.

Nice shot, Deutsches

Salam.. What an amazing play Deutsches .. I'm proud to be a fan of you.. X sia2 berjaga pagi.. At last Germany have beaten the Down Under country.. 4-0.. Thanks to: Podolski 8' Klose 26' Muller 68' Cacau 70' Nice shots,guys.. Gian nk tgk Lahm beraksi sudah berbayar... Nice kick Lahm... I love you, captain.. I'm waiting for more actions from the Deutsches .. Never ever disappoints me.. Please push yourselves to the limit.. Dont worry.. Im here to support.. Okay,sudah mengantuk.. Nak tido.. Salam.. :P p/s: Waiting for the Azurri to give their nice shots.. :P

Bola Here and There

Salam.. Hola..(learning Spanish now) I feel like want to post something here.. World Cup is coming soon... The fields are heating up.. People all around the world are going to be some kind of crazy after this.. Because the world will be turning into all-about- BOLA place.. Makan bola,tidur bola,mandi bola.. For sure,I'm so into Italy and Germany .. Hopefully,both of the teams will bring back something good for their country.. OMG.. Ballack and some of the good players will not present their countries this year.. I feel weak for a moment.. But nevermind... Que siera siera..(btol ke aku eja?) Sekarang,aku sedang menghabiskan masa lapang dgn m'baca novel.. Currently,I'm reading Bila Dah Suka karya Mimie Afinie, my favourite novelist.. Dah baca sebelum ni,tp saja nak ulang.. Jalan cerita sgt best.. Lepas ni nak baca novel Meen Zulaikha pulak.. She's also one of my favourite novelist.. Then,nak baca novel yg my mum baru beli, Adam & Hawa karya Aisya Sofea.. Aku yg ...

Novel Suatu Kepuasan

Salam.. I'm enjoying my day at home.. Sgt bahagia... Gian nak spend time dgn family dah tercapai.. Gian nak memasak sudah tercapai.. Gian nak kemas rumah dah tercapai.. Gian nak BBQ dgn hanis dah tercapai.. Gian nak baca berpuluh2 novel pun dah tercapai. Gian nak online & chat ngn member2 pun dh tercapai.. Suka sgt baca novel.. My mum yg ajar.. Sekarang dalam proses baca novel Bukan Tak Sudi .. Agak best jgk.. Tp nak tergelak pun ada dgn watak lelaki dlm novel tu.. Ada lg ke lelaki yg setia tunggu perempuan yg x suka kt dia?? Tipu sgt.. Or,I still can't find one.. Tp,betul la tipu.. Penulis gambarkan watak lelaki tu agak perfect... Walaupun sedikit gatal & nakal (hahahaha) tp dia baik,sopan & setia pada yg sat u.. Apa2 ajalah.. Sebelum ni dah baca novel Kalau Dah Jodoh .. Agak best jgk... Penulis yg sama.. Sorang lelaki yg suka teramat sgt kt perempuan yg baru lepas bercerai.. Xpernah lg baca novel yg ada jalan cerita mcm novel tu.. Perempuan tu pula x suka k...