Bola Here and There

Hola..(learning Spanish now)
I feel like want to post something here..
World Cup is coming soon...
The fields are heating up..
People all around the world are going to be some kind of crazy after this..
Because the world will be turning into all-about-BOLA place..
Makan bola,tidur bola,mandi bola..

For sure,I'm so into Italy and Germany..
Hopefully,both of the teams will bring back something good for their country..
Ballack and some of the good players will not present their countries this year..
I feel weak for a moment..
But nevermind...
Que siera siera..(btol ke aku eja?)

Sekarang,aku sedang menghabiskan masa lapang dgn m'baca novel..
Currently,I'm reading Bila Dah Suka karya Mimie Afinie, my favourite novelist..
Dah baca sebelum ni,tp saja nak ulang..
Jalan cerita sgt best..
Lepas ni nak baca novel Meen Zulaikha pulak..
She's also one of my favourite novelist..
Then,nak baca novel yg my mum baru beli, Adam & Hawa karya Aisya Sofea..
Aku yg suruh my mum beli sbb nmpk best..
Mmg menepati cita rasa saya!

My mum is planning for a family trip to Terengganu..
Entah jadi entah tidak..
I follow ja..
I feel as though I'm in heaven..
Best sgt cuti..

Not to forget,exam result will be revealed soon..
I'm not really interested in that..
Because I already know my result..
I've found it in one of my bad dreams..
Sgt teruk..
I dont want to talk much about it..
I dont want to spoil my good mood..

Till then...
Sudah letih menaip...

p/s: Bitah ajak keluar tgk Lagenda Budak Setan..Xtau lg nk tgk or x sbb, SY X SKA TGK WAYANG.


aCe+ said…
xyah tgk cita lagenda budak setan tu. xbesh.
Fyruz said…
tgk la dulu..

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