Nice shot, Deutsches

What an amazing play Deutsches..
I'm proud to be a fan of you..
X sia2 berjaga pagi..
At last Germany have beaten the Down Under country..

Thanks to:
Podolski 8'
Klose 26'
Muller 68'
Cacau 70'
Nice shots,guys..

Gian nk tgk Lahm beraksi sudah berbayar...
Nice kick Lahm...
I love you, captain..

I'm waiting for more actions from the Deutsches..
Never ever disappoints me..
Please push yourselves to the limit..
Dont worry..
Im here to support..

Okay,sudah mengantuk..
Nak tido..


p/s: Waiting for the Azurri to give their nice shots.. :P


xjumpa brazil lg ni..hehe
Fyruz said…
x heran pun la..

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