I've Lost You

Last week had been a miserable week for me..
I lost my precious Lenovo G450 Laptop..
Even it's not as expensive as other laptops, it'd done lots of things for me..
Baru saja 2 tahun guna...
X sempat nak bermanja gila2 time cuti2 ni..
But nevermind...
Mungkin ini ujian Allah untuk diri ini..
Benda ni jadi pengajaran for me untuk lebih berhati2 lepas ini..
Don't simply place your valuable things behind you..
Thanks to Allah, I didn't cry..
Thanks to Allah for giving me enough strength to face it..
but I'm a little sad because all important things are in that laptop..
My previous study notes,photos,videos,games..
Video Family Outing semua ada dalam tu..
Baru ja bagi complete all the episodes for season 1..
Regret regret regret..
Let bygones be bygones,Fyruz..
You deserve it..
I'm going to move on with my ordinary life..


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