Breakouts All Over

My face started to break out in the past 6 years I guess. Even though the breakouts is not too severe, it did and still bothers me a lot. I used pretty much everything to clear my breakouts. I used facial cleanser, toner, moisturizer, scrub and what not, but instead of vanishing the breakouts, it's getting worst, worst and worst. I have a very sensitive and dry skin. My face tends to redden easily and get flaky during a cold day and a very hot day. One day, I decided to try caveman regimen. Caveman regimen is a way in which you use chemical in a minimal amount but the best is not to use any chemical on your face at all. I started to go for this regimen for the past 3 months and I guess I can see some improvement on my face. Less redness and just a few breakouts. I throw away my facial cleanser as well as my toner and I only use water to clean and cleanse my face. It's kind of weird because we are used to using our cleanser before we go to bed or when we are getting ready to go out. Thank God I'm not a putting-on-make-up kind of person so I don't have to worry about the make-up leftover when I clean my face just by splashing water. I'm also trying to use coconut oil at the moment to clear my breakouts and to reduce my gum bleeding. I try to do oil pulling as some of bloggers claim that oil pulling is good to improve one's oral health. I've been doing oil pulling for the past two weeks and I can't see much improvement yet. Other than using coconut oil to do oil pulling, I also consume the oil. I consume 3 tablespoons a day for a week and I can see a slight improvement on my face. Less breakouts. The coconut oil can also help one to lose weight. I don't know how it works but when I consume it I have a tendency to eat less, which it's a good thing right? Lol. I also lather the oil on my bare face. The first time I lather it on my face, my face glows like never before and I see less breakouts but a few weeks after lathering it on my face, my face starts to break out like crazy. Some people say that it's a part of healing crisis but I don't know. I stop using the oil on my face for a while and just continue consuming it. It's best to use unrefined organic virgin coconut oil compare to the refined one because refined coconut oil might lost all the goodness in there.

Other than using the coconut oil, I also use aloe vera that my moms grows in our garden as part of my mission to clear up my breakouts. Within a few days, it cleared up the redness and rashes on my face. Nothing beats natural stuff right? My face now gets less chemical and I feel so happy that I don't have to spend a lot of money on facial cleanser etc. My advice to anyone who has minor acne problem, go back to basic. Stop yourself from using chemical stuff for a while as it will worsen the problem and start using natural and home remedies as it's safer, cheaper and effective to clear the acne. 


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