Sejenak bersama ArauOpen

For this entry,I'll write about my experiences in ArauOpen program..
It's quite long to tell but I'll make it as short as possible okay..
I'll be putting some pictures in the next entry...
Let's start it now..

16/5 : Took off from Penang to Arau at 9 am by Livina...Thanks Abah for the long drive..Stop by at Alor Star to search for our baju kurung for Hari Raya(awal kan?)...Kaki rasa lenguh after wandering all over the places to find the best baju kurung....At last,I found one that caught my eyes.. It's purple in color because my mum decided to pick purple color as the theme for this year..Then,we stop by at a restaurant to fill up our empty guts...Around 3 pm,I reached Arau which I dont want it to happen...Checked in at Inai college...Stay with 2 seniors from business course..Kak Izzah and Kak Mai..Both of them are nice to me..Then,I moved to other room with Sarah and Timah...At night,we are given some briefing on what we,as the runners of the program need to do...We were introduced by the Project Director, Project Manager and the excos...I was surprised that the PM looks quite exactly like Kit...The face,the body type looks so similar to Kit...Nvm,I was never being bothered by it..

17/5 till 19/5: Bertungkus lumus mengemas bilik2 kuliah that will be used as Sidang and Venue..Sangat penat tp seronok....Dpt put down my weight..hahaha...Not to forget,we(me,sarah,timah) took some sweet pictures together...Sambil buat kerja,sambil snap gambar....

20/5: We were asked to be the Usher for Registration Day...I was so excited to escort the teams who had arrived though I was so tired to help them carried their damn heavy bags..But,never mind.. It would be the best experience I've ever had...We got to stay at Cengal Hall from 11am till 10 pm...Ya Allah,I was so sleepy and tired...I couldnt open my eyes anymore and my eyes finally became like panda's eyes...After our work had done,we went straight to our room to get some sweet rest...

-21/5 till 23/5:The day that all debaters have been waiting for had came at last..Some of the runners who took charge in Sidang need to be the YDP/MC and Time Keeper..Im one of them..At first, I was a little bit awkward to speak in front of the good debaters and the judge..Thank God I was given a script by kak shikin..If not,I'll be dead with full of embarassement...Sidang 13 was mine..There was all 3 rounds each day...2 universities going in each round...Ada uitm melaka C,UiTM melaka D,UiTM perlis,UPM,UMP,USIM,UiTM Sabah(Nasir sgt kacak) and etc..Thumbs up to all debaters...I enjoyed watching them fighting for their motion to be accepted or not..Saya suka Debat BM sbb pendebat boleh mencelah sesuka hati..Kalau debat BI jgn harap la nk bg peluang debaters to interrupt..Banyak usul yg menarik such as:
#Dewan ini percaya Obama sudah menjadi Bush
#Merah jambu bukan hanya untuk wanita
#Dewan ini menyokong sistem 2 parti di Malaysia
#Pembangunan Hartanah Dubai Satu Pembaziran
#Yang Bulat itu hebat
#1 Malaysia Satu Ikut-Ikutan

But unfortunately,debaters kt Sidang 13 pilih usul yg x berapa nak best...Aku suka klau dpa debat pasal Obama sudah jadi Bush and Merah Jambu Bukan Hanya untuk Wanita...Mesti lg gempak..Tp xpa..Walau apa pun usul yg dipilih,persidangan tetap hebat & hangat...I even recorded some debaters who were excitedly motioning their motion...And there were some male debaters who are so gorgeous..Pandai berdebat mengalahkan Ahli Parlimen ..And there were certain male debaters yg aku tgk muka cm student nakal...Skali pandang mmg org akan rasa dpa ni x pndai nk berdebat....Tp some of them tercalon dlm pendebat terbaik..Dont get surprise okay...Dont ever judge a book by its cover..

Lupa nak cerita perjalanan acara..Pkul 8 kna ada kt Bilik Runners...Tunggu sehingga Ketua Runners panggil...Then,bila dia dah panggil,terus ke LT2 untuk tunggu usul dikeluarkan..Lepas usul dikeluarkan,maka gadis2 sidang bersedia di luar LT2 menunggu ketibaan pihak KERAJAAN dan PEMBANGKANG...Kena angkat paper yg tertulis Sidang...Macam tunggu org kt airport tu...Lepas semua dah smpai,terus bergerak je Sidang masing2..Kerajaan dlm sidang & Pembangkang luar sidang..Masa diberikan 30 minit selepas usul dikeluarkan..Then,runners kena tulis nama2 pedebat dan usul yg dah DIpilih..Then,susun apa yg patut...Test bell berfungsi or x..Then, terus turun ke LT4 semula utk ambil Hakim...Then,lepas Hakim dh smpai & masa dah cukup,persidangan pun bermula...Diacarakan oleh YDP iaitu runners sendiri..Runners pun kna jadi Time Keeper jgk..2 in 1 la katakan..Lepas dah selesai persidangan,runners akan terus bawa borang markah ke LT4...Then,kemas balik Sidang..Itu saja kerja KAMI...

-23/5: Tugas sebagai YDP dan Time Keeper sudah selesai..Some of the runners who were no longer in charged in handling the Sidang or Venue can have a rest..Me,Timah and Sarah headed back to our room after having our breakfast..We spent our time watching Family Outing together..It's been quite a long time since we watched it..Rindu kt Jae Suk,we were told that all the runners could attend the final night at Dewan Warisan...For those who wanted to,they were asked to wear proper attire because DYTM Raja Perlis will attend that event...Took off at 5 pm...Sebelum masuk dewan,snap photo dulu..Then,lepas dinner baru masuk dewan..For the final,Uitm Kedah versus USIM..The motion is Perlis Layak Dijadikan Hab Pelancongan..After a nice battle,Uitm Kedah won the title...Congrates...Then,lepas abis semua gimik, event pun habis..All the runners were given a chance to take photo with all the Excos..Sgt2 best..Aku enjoy malam tu..We went back to college around 12 in the morning..

-24/5: That day,we need to settle down the Sidang and Venue..We got to arrange all the tables and chairs according to the actual arrangement...X penat sgt sbb ramai yg tolong...Then,we went to LT4 for the last gathering...We took picture with kak syikin..Kak syikin thanked all the runners for giving our hands to succeed this event..She said most of the judges and the debaters praised the runners for our efficiency..Thumbs up..Then,kak syikin said we can go back home that evening because there was nothing to settle anymore...So,we planned to go back to Penang at 5 pm..According to our earlier plan,we decided to go back the next morning..Tp bila kak syikin ckp dah bleh balik petang tu,kira cantik la..Bleh sampai umah awal..

Bertolak ke train station around 4.30..Alhamdulillah,ada hamba Allah yg baik yg sanggup tumpangkan km ke depan pintu utama..Thank kak...Then,we took taxi to the station...Bought tickets where the train arrived at 6pm..Makan2 apa yg patut..Then,train pun smpai..It was my 2nd time using train..Sit with Sarah..We watched Family Outing..Tp tgk sikit ja sbb aku pening lepas baca subtitles..Sarah mula main game Need For Speed...Aku mula baca komik KO King..Tp cum separuh jalan..Then,cuba utk tidur tp x boleh..Sarah ajak bersembang..Topiknya:Cinta lepas kawin..haha..Km suka citer pasal topik tu sbb best...Dua2 ada pendapat yg sama..Dua2 single lg...Cinta lepas kawin lebih manis drpd cinta sebelum kawin..The conversation had given me some strength to move on with my life without Kit..Now,I realise that one day he'll know how much I love him and how patient I am to wait for him..What I need to do is to stop thinking too much about him..I think I could forget our past memories...But for sure I won't ever forget my promise to wait for him until I reach 25...Dont worry okay,Honey Kit..

At last,km smpai kt Bukit Mertajam Station dlm pukul 9...Alhamdulillah..Then,waited for my dad to fetch me and Sarah..Then,my dad sent Sarah to Penang Sentral..Then,my dad took me to have char koey teow..Wah,sgt sedap..Then,smpai umah around pkul 10 lebey...Then,bersihkan diri dan terus tido..Lepas tido dlm 1 jam,aku bangun sbb xbleh nk tido.Tangan rasa gatal nk online...Online Fb,Myspace,MSN,YM..Dpt jgk chat ngn Allen...Thanks for the sweet talk,Allen...Miss talking to you..Then,at 4am I went back to sleep...

Sekian sudah perjalanan hidup sy sepanjang ArauOpen berlangsung..
What I could conclude is I had a lot of sweet experiences that I can hardly forget...
Insyallah,I'll volunteer myself again for the event.
Just wait and see..



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