Bagaimana Saya Mendapat 4 Flat?

Assalamualaikum. Surprised by the title of this post? Yes,you should. It's not me who got 4 flat  (keep on dreaming, Fyruz). It's actually my course mate. He's the best student in Computer Science program. I like his motivation talk last night. He'd been given a chance to deliver some motivation talk to Computer Science Student. He's so damn brave and confident. A big applause to him. He gave us some tips on how to be a good student like him. I like some of his points because I do what he does everyday. 70 % alike. I want to share with you some of his tips and some of them are similiar to mine (boleh dikatakan tips belajar aku juga kot)

1. What made him be like how he's today is because of REVENGE.
Dia nak tebus balik kesilapan/kekecewaan dia waktu SPM dulu..

Comment:Exactly similar to me.. Result SPM dia sama macam aku. Jumlah A & C sama macam result aku cuma he took 10 subjects but I took only 9 subjects. Yang differ cuma bilangan gred B kot. I was quite suprised with the similarity. He loves Physics,so do I. But in the end subject tu lah yang mengecewakan aku. I got C for that subjects. Xtaulah Aizat dapat apa for that subject. Since then, I promised to myself to get a better result & be more serious in academic stuff (kononnya). I dont want to let my parents down again. Trying to be a good example to my little sisters & brother.

2.Always sits in the front row
-He always sits in the front row of the class. If the front sits are full,he'll dragged a chair and a desk from the back to the front. He'll do anything he could to sit in the front.

Comment: Sorry.Tak sama macam aku. Dulu waktu semester 1-3,memang aku selalu jugak lah duduk depan. Tapi sejak masuk semester 4-5 ni,feel nak duduk depan tu dah depleting.. Tapi bukannya duduk belakang sampai tak dengar lecturer bagi lecture.. Paling teruk pun,duduk kt 3rd row..Tapi jarang lah.. Selalu duduk kat 2nd row..

3. Arrange class timetable
-He always arranges his class timetable so that there wont be any class on Friday.. On Friday, he loves to jog around the campus & spends time with his friends. They'll go to Jitra,Alor Star etc to watch movie & etc..

Comment: Sorry.Aku tak reti nak susun2 jadual ni. Terima seadanya. Jog? Seriously,I never jog here walaupun UiTM Arau ni sangat sesuai untuk berjoging 1000km. LoLoL. Never thought that he loves watching movies in cinema.. Seriously,I don't watch movie in cinema. Boleh dikira dengan jari berapa kali aku tengok wayang. 2 kali kot with my buddies. Movie 'Night at The Museum 1 & 2'. I just don't know why I don't like going to cinema.

4. Always brings drinking water to class.
-He always brings his big-green-2-litres bottle to the class. Even in most of the event he attended he'd bring it along. People can hardly see him without his green bottle(I mean within the campus lah). He said water can prevent him from sleeping in the class.

Comment: Same here. I do always bring drinking water to class. I feel like I miss something if I dont bring it along. But not 2 litre bottle lah.. Just enough for me to stay awake. Just enough for my lips and skin to stay moist (I have a very sensitive and dry skin). Just enough for me not to get thirsty throughout the day.. One more,I don't like to consume minuman bergula. Sejak 'terjebak' dengan sukan especially netball, aku cuba kurangkan minum minuman bergula. Tak bagus untuk kesihatan & lebih menjimatkan wang. Itu yang penting! Kalau nampak aku order air suam kat kedai makan, jangan ingat aku bajet sangat. LoLoL

5. Always studies before Subuh.
-He said our brain is active during that time. It's easy for us to memorise anything at that time.

Comment: I also love to wake up before Subuh to have my sahur. I'll read any note/book while I'm having my sahur.

6.Never skips solat.
-That's the most important thing that we have to do as a servant to Allah.

Comment: If you always remember & communicate with Allah,Allah won't ever leave you.

7. Only sleep at night.
-Aizat tak amalkan tidur siang. Bagi dia,dia akan jadi lebih letih & malas ke kelas kalau dia tidur siang.

Comment: Ni tak sama lah dengan aku. Aku rajin tidur siang. He's right. I always get extremely tired & got no feeling to go to class. Tidur siang ni tak bagus untuk otak.Persepsi sesetengah orang (termasuk aku) yang tidur siang(kes tidur siang 2-3jam) bagus untuk menyegarkan badan sangat tidak benar sama sekali. Islam ajar kita tidur siang sebentar sahaja untuk bagi kesegaran kat kita untuk buat solat malam.

8. Never use handphone during lecture time
-He will keep his handphone in silent mode. He won't answer any call or message until the end of the lecture.

Comment: Sama jugak. Kadang2 aku tak bawa phone terus. Bukan kadang2. Selalu jugak lah.. Rasa macam phone tak berapa penting. Topup RM5 pun dah cukup for 2 months. Ada jugak member tanya.. What if ada emergency call? Aku jawab "Errr...No comment". Malas lah nak usung phone. Phone aku tak secanggih phone anda yang sangat damn light sampai tak perasan pun yang phone ada kat pocket..I'm afraid that I'll be distracted by the calls & messages.. After this,dont ask me why I always don't answer your calls on the spot.

Extra(from me):
9. Always recite Al-Quran
-Tak kisah lah sesibuk mana pun kita,cubalah spend 5 minit dengan Al Quran. Baca sehelai pun dah cukup. Kalau sibuk tahap maximum,baca 1 ayat pun dah okay. Dan jangan lupa baca terjemahan/tafsiran dan try to implement it in our daily life. Confirm hidup happy sentiasa..

10. Perform Solat Sunat
-Solat sunat penting sebagai extra mark utk markah amalan kita. Kalau terjaga tengah2 malam pkul 2-3 pagi ,get up from bed, ambil wuduk,bentang sejadah & solat tahajjud/solat hajat.. Communicate with Allah. Some of people tak suka bangun tengah2 malam sebab takut. Ye lah. Bangun sorang2 di tengah malam & berkemungkinan akan diganggu oleh "sesuatu"(not going to mention it here). Come on lah. Kita bangun untuk bersolat. Nak spend time dengan Allah.Buang rasa takut tu. Insyaallah,Allah akan lindungi kita daripada "sesuatu" tu.
(Aku cuba latih diri ni supaya jangan jadi malas nak bangun tengah2 malam.)

11. Jangan kedekut ilmu
-Aku cukup pantang dengan orang kedekut ilmu ni. Tak rugi apa2 pun kalau kita kongsi ilmu dengan orang lain. Ilmu tu takkan berkurang. Bertambah lagi adalah. (Aku sedang berusaha untuk tidak kedekut ilmu)

Itu saja kot tips yang dapat dikongsikan untuk anda semua. Yang baik dijadikan ikutan,yang tak elok tu buang jauh2. Apa yang penting,kita kena ikhlas bila buat sesuatu.

p/s: Tak dapat nak kejar pointer Mr.Aizat. So close,yet so far. T_T


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