True Love and Other Lies

Assalamualaikum (jawab)..
Just finished reading one of my sister's novel written by Whitney Gaskell..
Not by Sophie Kinsella of course..
What I could summarize after reading the novel is that the story line is so damn great..
It's a worth-buying-and-reading novel..
No regret for buying that novel during my first visit to Kinokuniya (yeah,never been there before)..

But for sure my love story won't be as wonderful as Claire's..
For sure!~
Just going to experience it only in my dream..
Never mind..
Imagine how a girl would feel to be in love and loved by a nice & gorgeous guy like Jack Harrison..
Thumbs up to Whitney for her damn brilliant idea..
Her story is way out of my reality-thinking for sure..

Okay Fyruz..
Come back to reality..
Now I'm on my way to read another English novel since I'm not "really busy" with university stuff..

I was watching Cinderella Story movie just now with Ecah,my housemate..
I don't know how many times I've watched it..
Just imagine how cool is that to have a cute love story just like what Chad-Hillary went through in the movie..
I like it when Chad said this quote by Alfred Tennyson:
"Half the night I waste in sighs
Half in dreams I sorrow after the delight of early skies."
I kinda love that phrase..
I do always waste in sighs, close my eyes and let my sleep takes me away from the real world to the dream world..

How long I've been talking nonsense..
Okay then..
That's all for today..
(Actually I don't have anything to blog about)

Goodbye and Big Balls(I've been influenced by John Henson)..

p/s: People always need to change. I've to change myself too. And so are you,MAN. :)


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