Convocation Day-Part 2

Selesai sudah minggu konvokesyen..
Konvokesyen pada 15/05/2012..
Saya sudah memiliki skrol diploma yang x perlu dibanggakan sangat..
Now I'm looking forward to attending Degree Convocation..
Hari pertama sampai UiTM Arau, terus amik jubah..
Lepas tu ikut member2 berkonvo ke Padang Besar..
Malam pulak pekena steamboat kat Kangar ramai2..
Sorang RM10, makan la banyak mana kita nak makan..
We ate like we never ate before..
Keesokan harinya, bermulalah hari konvokeyen..
Lepas habis terima skrol, semua pakat ambil gambar..
Sesi baling2 mortar board perkara wajib..
Overall, penat jugak la minggu tu..
I've got to rush back and forth here and there..
I'd like to dedicate my success to my parents as they are the reason behind my success..
I love you, Mum and Dad..


p/s: Still have a long journey to go..


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