The End of Semester 5

It's been a long time since I updated my blog.. Kinda busy this semester (yeah right).. Spending too much time doing meaningless things.. Lol.. Alhamdulillah,semester 5 has come to an end.. I can't believe I've been studying here for almost one a half year.. Time flies so fast I could't even catch up with anything..  And alhamdulillah I've submitted all assignments, projects, reports or whatever you name it. Unfortunately the tense is not over yet.. The final examination (for my batch) will start on July,7 and ends on July,8.. It was a nerve-wrecking wait.. Hopefully I could end this semester with flying colors (keep on dreaming!). I can't wait to be back home.. I miss Penang like crazy.. I miss its people, places and of course its decadent and guilty-pleasure food! Haha. Btw, Ramadhan is just around the corner.. And happy celebrating fasting season,people! Boost up our good deeds this precious month.. May Allah blesses all of us.. Ameen..

p/s: These two subjects are killing me softly.


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