Soalan2 'Tag' yg agak menarik...
1) Have you ever think that you don't want to be married to someone else and why?
Yeah...Maybe because i'm not yet a person who likes to take a huge resposibilities..
2) Holiday to you means :
A long vacation at my favourite place to be(by the sea of course) with my love one...No disturbance at all.
3) Have you ever hope that you'll receive a love letter inside your text book?
-Nah...Never think about it...
4) Have you ever back-stab your bffs?
-Yea..Once..Never ever want to do that anymore...
5) Are you excited to watch Princess Protection Program at Disney Channel?
-Apa itu???X mengerti..I'm a naive girl...Xtau la pasal Disney Channel nih...
6) People always call you :
-Siti(alif hidayah dulu suka pnggil dgn nama nih...hahaha)
7) Do you love arts?
-Yea..Sometimes when i'm in a good mood i can draw a nice drawing...hahaha..perasan btol..
8) Describe naughty things that you did when you're in high school:
-Em...Loads of thing...I used to skipped class..The reason was i need to help my teacher in the library..hahaha...Me& my friends skipped class during History time(Mr.Khalid)....We hang out at the stairs..Taking some picture...What a crap..Sweet niblets!!!!~
9) Do you lead a pathetic life?
-Yea...Always...It's not just pathetic..But a bit crap sometimes..
10) 10 people that you want to tag:
Anyone who accidently or deliberately bumps into this entry...Especially AininaLeng..hahaha...Okay!!!!Ciao...
Yeah...Maybe because i'm not yet a person who likes to take a huge resposibilities..
2) Holiday to you means :
A long vacation at my favourite place to be(by the sea of course) with my love one...No disturbance at all.
3) Have you ever hope that you'll receive a love letter inside your text book?
-Nah...Never think about it...
4) Have you ever back-stab your bffs?
-Yea..Once..Never ever want to do that anymore...
5) Are you excited to watch Princess Protection Program at Disney Channel?
-Apa itu???X mengerti..I'm a naive girl...Xtau la pasal Disney Channel nih...
6) People always call you :
-Siti(alif hidayah dulu suka pnggil dgn nama nih...hahaha)
7) Do you love arts?
-Yea..Sometimes when i'm in a good mood i can draw a nice drawing...hahaha..perasan btol..
8) Describe naughty things that you did when you're in high school:
-Em...Loads of thing...I used to skipped class..The reason was i need to help my teacher in the library..hahaha...Me& my friends skipped class during History time(Mr.Khalid)....We hang out at the stairs..Taking some picture...What a crap..Sweet niblets!!!!~
9) Do you lead a pathetic life?
-Yea...Always...It's not just pathetic..But a bit crap sometimes..
10) 10 people that you want to tag:
Anyone who accidently or deliberately bumps into this entry...Especially AininaLeng..hahaha...Okay!!!!Ciao...