Tagged by Leianna..

1) Go to your photos folder in your computer.
2) Go to the 6th folder of photos.
3) Go to the 6th picture in the folder.
4) Put the picture in your blog and and description of it.
5) Invite six friends to join the challenge.

Hahahaha..Cmna la ley dpt pic ni...6th picture???'Bertuah'nya..
Em....How am I going to describe this ordinary picture???
I snapped this picture before SPM exam...
I snapped myself for fun..
I was bored at that time...
This photo was taken in my room by using Canon A550(i think so..hahaha)....
I gave this copy to my half...
This is the first photo i've given to him...

Haaa...Apa lg??Tue je la kot..
Hmpa describe la sendiri gambar aku ni plak..
Aku x reti nk describe benda...
I'm not a 'describer'...hahaha..

Tag Who????
-Anyone who bumps into this entry...:P


aCe+ said…
ok nnt aku wat.wifi campus aku lembab.nk upload photo susah.t aku wat ek
Anonymous said…
jht die..
wt tag cmnie ehh!!
sat nk tgok..
pix sy suma gegeh2..
Fyruz said…
x jahat..
cuma nakal jew..

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