Back to College

It's been a week I've been back to college..
What a jerk..
I hate being a college dude..
Classes,books,lecturers,library surround me all the time..
For the first week,it was okay..
Got new lectureres for all the subjects..
To sum up,I feel so dissapointed to have new lecturers for BEL311..
I miss Sir Fadhili,an easy-going-and-you-can-speak-in-BM-sometimes-in-class lecturer..
I miss him so much...
The new lecturers for BEL311 are Mr.Azaharee and Mrs.Fazmawati..
I've never get 2 lecturers to teach BEL311 since part 1..
X pernah seumur hidup dpt 2 lecturers melainkan subject CSC159..
Logic jgk la subject computer ada 2 lecturers...
Tp utk BEL ni pelik jgk la..
Mr.Azaharee is a you-are-stupid-if-you-dont-speak-in-English-in-BEL-class and a jason-mraz-imitator type..
I cant speak in English from the start until the end of the class...
If I'm caught I'll be a dead dude...
But,so far he's OKAY...
I like his English accent even I think it's way too over..(klau dia baca mampus aku)
Sir,please be gentle with me...
All the subject from this sem are quite tough for me to handle,I must say..
I'm uncertain whether or not I could make it until the end of the sem..
Confirm pointer will drop..
We'll see..

I'm a Beringin Resident now...
The house is quite small for 8 people to fit in...
1 bathroom 1 toilet..
A quite big wardrobe shared by 2 people..
Semua ada meja,aku ja xda meja..
Merempat kt lantai..
X kisah la..
Aku bkn study sgt pun..
Selalu lepak atas katil ja..
Never mind peeps...

I miss Penang..
I miss everything in Penang..

p/s: Sedang layan lagu Menghapus Jejakmu-Peterporn..Eh,Peterpan..


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