Dean's Dinner Time!

Yesterday was quite a wonderful day for me..
Yesterday(4/3/2011) was my faculty's dinner day..
So much fun!
Again,this year I received Dean's Award..

Actually the dress I wore for the dinner wasn't the dress I planned to wear.
I borrowed the black-elegant dress from my uncle..
I went to his boutique in KP..
I drove Afwa's Kancil as fast as I could because it was late already..

I thought my uncle has the dress for dinner..
But he showed me his wedding dress collection..
I was like,"Ha? Baju kawin? Get real.."..
Without second thought,I searched for the dress suited for the dinner theme..
Too many dresses to pick..
Too many dresses that are so elegent and of course,OVER..
Then,Lia asked me to try the black-white dress..
I thought the dress wont fit me but I after I tried it the dress really fit me well..

Then,Lia wanted my uncle to make up her face..
My uncle put on some make up on her face without charging her any pennies..(bagus)
Then,after Lia had a new look I wanted to go back..
But my uncle said he wanted me to have some make over on my face..
I was like,"Aish..aku x pernah make up teruk2 ni.."
Willy-nilly,I said okay..

After he put some make up on my face,I was shocked..
My new face wasnt my face before..
Lia & Sarah said I was like someone else..
My uncle knows my habit that I dont like putting make up on my face..
He said,"Perempuan belum kawin jgn make up sgt,nnti hilang seri pengantin.."
Selamat aku x suka make up..
It was so embarrassing on my way back to my college..
People stared at us when the car stopped for traffic lights..
Unfortunately,I had to washed out my face because I got
to take my wudhuk..
I dont wanna miss my Maghrib prayer..
So,in those photos you cant see the make up..

I went to the hall a bit late..
People had already entered the hall..
Me n my friends arrived after the lecturer had finished his speech..
People were staring at us..
I dont know where should I put my face..
Ecah said if I came a early,maybe I'd be nominated as the nominees for Prom Queen..
Xpayah aku buat cat walk atas pentas..

I had so much fun with my friends..
We won lots of prizes..
We took so much pictures..
We ate half of the birthday cake..
We made prank with lots of people..
We laughed all night long..
We posed all the night..
We enjoyed the night..

Going home at almost 1 am..
Last but not least,I really enjoyed the night..
Not to forget I look really CHUBBY in that dress...
Woot woot..


p/s: Oh Honey.. (Park Jin Young)


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