Assalamualaikum. I don't know why I want to write in here right now....I'm currently watching my favourite tv show,ONE TREE HILL. I'm attracted to watch this TV show because of its story line. I'm quite attached to it right now. It's different than other English drama series....Full of fun, love, failure & success. This drama is basically about the life story of 5 best friends.They are totally different because they used to have intimate relationship with each other. Nathan ended up his single life by tying a knot with Haley. Lucas used to have an intimate relationship with Peyton & Brooke (his real ex-wife). But he ended up engaging with Peyton in season 6 (which I don't really like it). I don't like it to happen but it is what it is. It's what Chad ( the director) wants it to be...Most of us know why he wants the story to be like that...Most of us know his real life story with Sophia (Brooke)...The story has taught me a lot in my life..It bri...
Salam.. First of all,sorry sbb lmbt upload this photo kt blog.. Sorry to all the committe members of Partee Over ...( seikhlas hati nu rani ) Aku xda masa nk upload photo... (berlagak busy 24jam) Pada 6/3/200 9 bersamaan hari Jumaat,Fizah decided utk wat 'meeting' di pondok buruk aku.. (meeting or 'gossip'ing) Pagi2 lg dalam pkul 10 cmtu ahli2 Partee Over dgn penuh rasa 'over' menyerbu rumah aku... (Farhah org pertama!!) Ahli2 yg hadir 'meeting' :Aku,Hafizah,Iman,Farhah,Ammar,Dzul... (rugi Faez tiada kerana ada kt PLKN!!haha) Diminta memasak utk para tetamu.. (thanks for the pasta,Fizah) Menolak pelawaan teman2 yg ingin bantu memasak.. (berlagak rajin) Meeting yg ntah apa2.. Xda maknanya... (senyum sinis) Chit-chat pasal itu ini.. Gossip pasal itu ini.. Bercerita itu ini.... (blablabla) Ada org tu kan,sebelum dtg umah aku dia ckp nk serang & jumpa salah seorang jiran aku... (nama dirahsiakan) Tp sayangnya tiada drama serang berlaku.. (tidak ...
Hari ini merupakan hari pertama aku pergi ke sekolah bagi tahun ini selepas sekian lama meninggalkan sekolahku yg tercinta(baru 2-3 bln x p wat over plak).... Kalau ikutkan hati aku xkan ke SMKTHO tanpa diajak teman...Aku diajak oleh fizah 'over'(haa...jgn marah cik presiden...hehe)....Dia nak amik slip trial spm last year for her scholarship.. Aku ingat fizah ingin mengajakmu menaiki motornya tapi 'hampeh..Dia cakap 'aku x brani nk bwk kt roundabout'..hahahaha ....Kesian plak aku kt dia... Aku gagahkan diri berjalan kaki dengan fizah walaupun aku tau balik nanti confirm aku akan pengsan(tidur lar).... Amik masa kira2 30 minit jgk nk sampai skolah...Apa tidaknya..Sepanjang berjalan kami dok berlenggang-lenggang sambil bergosip(gossip girl la katakan..hehe).....Agak santai juga kami berjalan di bawah panas terik..Sampai ja kat skolahku yg tercinta kami terserempak ngn pengetua dlm kereta dia...Dia nk p mana kami pn xtau...Wallahualam..heh... Then,k...