Exam Result Fright

I have no gut to check my exam result..
Most of my friends have checked theirs..
I have no spine to check by myself..
Adik aku tawarkan diri nak check..
Please lah Wa..
Lagilah aku takut bila bagi orang check..
No No No..

My mum kept urging me to check my result..
My mum said "Kalau xnak check sendiri,biaq mak check..Senang.."
I replied ,"Huh??Thanks but no thanks..Malaslah nak check.."

Ada jugak member aku dapat Dean..(Congrates!~)
Lagi lah spine aku x muncul..

I dont put too much expectation for this semester..
I know I did quite terrible and I know I've done the best that I could..
"Fyruz,just face the truth.."
Mum,I'm sorry if my result will probably dissapoint you..
But I know you dont expect much from me...
You never push me hard..

Xtau bila nak check result..
Anybody could help me build up my strength to face the truth??
*Long Sigh*


p/s: OMG.


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