Picnic Time

Today was a great day ever..
I went for a picnic with my old friends..
3 cars involved..
10 people involved..
Me,Hud,Ammar,Shah,Dzul,Iman,Farhah,Iffah,Tasha and Liyana....
It was kinda awesome and delish...
I prepared choco cake...
That's what I could ever make...
Semalam tidur pkul 1 lebih sebab komited nak buat kek bg member semua 'sentap'..
Got up from bed,terus mandi and bersiap..
Sorry Shah,lambat keluar sebab kena cleaned up my temporary bed..(x kemas kena hentam)
Tumpang kereta Shah dipenuhi Dzul and sleepy-and-sneezy Hud..
Tunggu kat Esso 8.30 but the Project Manager,Ammar didn't show up yet..
He was still in his deep sleep..
Pukul 9 baru bertolak p Taman Rimba..
It'd been a long time since I had my picnic there..
Iffah and Farhah brought their own DLSR..
I still cant afford one..(long-deep sigh)
I need to get married with a Taukeh Cina who runs a successful bussiness...(berangan Kau)
Sikit2 lama2 jadi bukit...
Dalam perjalanan,chit chat with Hud,Shah,Dzul..
Hud was selling his gag and I bought it by paying with my laughter..
Sampai kat Taman Rimba around 11 if I'm not mistaken..
Aku x join mandi sebab Farhah x join sama..
Just 4 peep saja yg terjun mandi..
Cantik juga Taman Rimba lepas rennovation finished...
Ambil kesempatan hayati keindahan Ilahi...
Makan2 then packed up..
Aku tumpang Ammar's pink- and-girly car pulak..
Iman gave out her laughable gag..(Lawaklah ang)
Lepas tu makan kat Subaidah...
'Belanja' Hud makan..(nanti I 'belanja' U lagi..)
Then moved on to Queensbay Mall...
To tell the truth,I've ever been to QueensBay Mall two times only..
Tu pun with my guys...
I cant afford lah to go there..
Barang mahal...(Serius)
Kalau setakat ronda2 tepi pantai QueensBay tu boleh tahan lah..
Back to the story,we all have a walk at the rocky seaside...
It was a fantastic view...
I felt so fresh and calmed,listening to the music of the waves moving back and forth of
the shore,slapping the big rocks gently...
Subhanallah,what a great creation...
Lepas habis hirup udara tepi pantai,we moved on to the mall..
Biasa saja..
Sale banyak tapi x minat sangat lah..
Im not a cronic shoppaholic..
Setakat tengok and pegang2 sajalah..
Beli tu jangan harap,kena fikir 100 times first...(Xda duit kawan)
Then,we went back home...
Dalam pukul 7pm sampai rumah..
Overall,today's activities were great...
Old friends really give me happiness..
They place 2nd in my heart...
Thanks for brightening my day with the gags..
Thanks for evading me from loneliness..
Thanks for filling my heart with love...
Thanks for making me forget my misery..
Thanks for making me forget my jerk-cranky-excruciating old love story...
Thank you Allah for the great gift(friends)..
I'll treasure them in my heart forever..
I won't ever ever do bad things or stab them in their back...(promise)
I love all of you...
See you in the next entry..
Nak tengok bola Malaysia-Indonesia..
p/s: Ammar said "Rumah ang roboh k?".. Hud said "Aku baru nak call ang,tanya ang selamat ke x.." I said to myself "Guys,what a good gag. You all give me eternal happiness.. Thanks"