Result Revealed..

It's 12.44 am now..
I'm still sitting in front of my PC..
I dont feel like sleeping at this time..
At last I've checked my final exam result..
How burdensome it was...
Aku dapat kekuatan nak check result when my dad said,
"Buat apa nak takut. Benda yang dah lepas buat apa nak ingat lagi.."
I said to him before this that I wasnt doing well in final exam and that I was so damn scared checknmy result..
Thanks Abah...

And so,the result is....
I was shocked at first..
I thought it was others result..
But after I checked the student's detail,memang result aku..
All praises to Allah..(Maher Zain)
I wont be repeating any subjects..
For ECO120,quite a big release............
I thought I'd be getting low grade..

I'm thinking whether or not I should go for fast track..
My mum kept forcing me to apply for it..
But I dont think I could ever make it...
I said, 'Fyruz x bleh p la,makin susah subject..Bertambah susah.."
My mum replied,"Kalau susah study lah.."
I said,"Memang lah kena study,tapi the prob is Fyruz malas study.."
My mum said,"Klau amik fast track boleh save masa.."
I said,".......................*sigh*..
Abah pulak cakap,"Kalau buat fast track,maknanya xdapat Diploma cert lah.. Kalau macam tu kena pulun la sbb if x dapat habiskan Degree,apa2 cert pun xdapat.."
Abah,you save my life!~

Susah nak buat keputusan..
Biar Allah beri jawapan..
Aku turut perintah saja....

My house will be undergoing a major rennovation and transformation..

No more typing...

p/s: Mine mine mine..


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