
Showing posts from 2010

Picnic Time

Assalamualaikum ..(jawab) Today was a great day ever.. I went for a picnic with my old friends.. 3 cars involved.. 10 people involved.. Me , Hud , Ammar , Shah , Dzul , Iman , Farhah , Iffah , Tasha and Liyana .... It was kinda awesome and delish... I prepared choco cake... That's what I could ever make... Semalam tidur pkul 1 lebih sebab komited nak buat kek bg member semua 'sentap'.. Got up from bed,terus mandi and bersiap.. Sorry Shah,lambat keluar sebab kena cleaned up my temporary bed..(x kemas kena hentam) Tumpang kereta Shah dipenuhi Dzul and sleepy-and-sneezy Hud.. Tunggu kat Esso 8.30 but the Project Manager ,Ammar didn't show up yet.. He was still in his deep sleep.. Pukul 9 baru bertolak p Taman Rimba .. It'd been a long time since I had my picnic there.. Iffah and Farhah brought their own DLSR .. I still cant afford one. . (long-deep sigh) I need to get married with a Taukeh Cina who runs a successful bussiness...(berangan Kau...

Result Revealed..

Salam.. It's 12.44 am now.. I'm still sitting in front of my PC.. I dont feel like sleeping at this time.. At last I've checked my final exam result.. How burdensome it was... Aku dapat kekuatan nak check result when my dad said, "Buat apa nak takut. Benda yang dah lepas buat apa nak ingat lagi.." I said to him before this that I wasnt doing well in final exam and that I was so damn scared checkn my result.. Thanks Abah ... And so,the result is.... Alhamdulillah ... I was shocked at first.. I thought it was others result.. But after I checked the student's detail,memang result aku.. Great!!!!!~ All praises to Allah..(Maher Zain) I wont be repeating any subjects.. Fuhhh... For ECO120,quite a big release............ I thought I'd be getting low grade.. I'm thinking whether or not I should go for fast track.. My mum kept forcing me to apply for it.. But I dont think I could ever make it... I said, 'Fyruz x bleh p la,makin...

Exam Result Fright

Assalamualaikum.. I have no gut to check my exam result .. Most of my friends have checked theirs.. I have no spine to check by myself.. Adik aku tawarkan diri nak check.. Please lah Wa .. Lagilah aku takut bila bagi orang check.. No No No.. My mum kept urging me to check my result.. My mum said "Kalau xnak check sendiri,biaq mak check..Senang.." I replied ,"Huh??Thanks but no thanks..Malaslah nak check.." Ada jugak member aku dapat Dean ..(Congrates!~) OMG.. Lagi lah spine aku x muncul.. I dont put too much expectation for this semester.. I know I did quite terrible and I know I've done the best that I could.. "Fyruz,just face the truth.." Mum ,I'm sorry if my result will probably dissapoint you.. But I know you dont expect much from me... You never push me hard.. Xtau bila nak check result.. Anybody could help me build up my strength to face the truth?? *Long Sigh* Wassalam... p/s: OMG.

Trip to Thailand

Salam.. I've been to Thailand about 3 weeks ago..(Thai beats M'sia in Asian Games lah) Made a visit there 3 weeks ago,before the final exam ended.. 3 days 2 nights trip.. My uncle really wanted me to meet my relatives there.. I wasnt really into going there,but I have too.. I've to visit my long lost relatives... Aishhh... So,the day went well.. On Monday ,I made myself to own a international passport... Took only 30 minutes,give out RM100 and that's it...(melayang duit) My own passport.. Took off to Thailand in the afternoon.. We arrived at that kampung late in the evening.. The scenery of the kampung was so fantastic.. Surrounded by paddy fields.. Wrapped around by nice and sturdy hill... So panoramic..(didn't bring my camera along) I was looking forward to go to Haadyai and Phuket but the day wasn't good for a nice visit.. Maybe I'll go next time,perhaps.. Insyaallah.. I've been invited to Indonesia .. ...

Hujan di luar. Asian Games di dalam.

Salam.. Sangat suka dan ketagih layan Sukan Asian GuangZhou 2010 ..(macam mana nak sebut?) Aku peminat setia sukan2 besar mahupun sukan2 x besar... Sehari x tengok rasa macam aku dah betray negara..(melampau) Impian Malaysia nak rebut 9 emas dah jadi kenyataan..(bukan di alam maya lagi) Kesian tgk Lee Chong Wei kena paku dengan Lin Dan. . Rasa menyampah tengok Lin Dan rai kemenangan..(macam x pernah menang) Apa2 pun he deserved the medal..(surrender) It's hard for anyone to defeat him until now..(lepas ni aku cuba) Bila tengah tengok Asian Games' event,tambah pulak bila Malaysia bertanding,aku akan jadi warga Malaysia yang bersemangat...(terima kasih TV Malaysia sebab broadcast banyak events!) Kalau x menjerit,bersorak,tepuk tangan itu bukan Fyruz namanya.. Nampak too exaggerate.. Selalu saja kena marah dengan mak sebab bising sangat.. Kerajaan patut hantar aku jadi penyokong Malaysia.. I would be a passionate person when it comes to supporting Malaysia i...


Salam..During this long holiday,I want to spend my time learning all the things that I really eager to learn.. Especially Photography .. I want to a be a good photographer.. Got to work harder by now.. Or else I wont be able to become one for good.. I need to tighten my purse string in order to buy 'that' thing.. Insyaallah... I'd also like to learn how to be a good COOK .. Need to watch AFC a lot.. lol..I love cooking a lot even I have zero knowledge about it.. I would like to spend my time reading my mum's novels... Especially Lagenda Budak Setan .. I haven't finished reading it yet.. So long.. See you in the next entry.. Till then,bye.. Wassalam.. p/s: Selalu lupa nak tulis diari...:P

Kenal erti Bersyukur

Salam.. Alhamdulillah.. Banjir kat perlis dah hampir surut.. ( Thanks Allah ) Banyak pengalaman aku kutip masa bencana ni jadi..( loads ) Masa banjir ,macam2 benda jadi even UiTM x banjir.. Bekalan air terputus..Bekalan makanan terputus.. Bekalan duit pun terputus.. Dah rasa macam duduk dekat pulau pulak.. Selamat ada bantuan air.. Lori air datang 4 kali sehari.. Berbaldi2 air jugak la aku & house mate amik.. House mate aku yang tolong angkut & berebut amik air.. Aku tolong angkut air masuk dalam rumah saja.. Time tu demam.. So x boleh kerja kuat sangat lah..( mengelat ) First time in my life lalui benda ni.. Selalu tengok dalam tv saja org bagi bantuan air.. Memang best tgk orang berebut amik air..( jahat ) Bekalan makanan tak ada sebab lori bawak makanan x dapat masuk Uitm gara2 jalan ditutup... Aku & house mate terpaksa makan instant noodle,biscuits & roti.. Selamat lah aku tak ada selera makan.. Yang paling best time makan instant noodle dalam satu tupperware be...

At Last & Final Exam

Salam.. Final exam is just around the corner.. I'm still blogging at this time with no worries.. Lol.. I have butterflies in my stomach but I still do nothing.. I should be reading something right now but I dont have the will to do that.. I still take this matter for granted.. Apa nak jadi.. :( It's me.. It's just me with bad attitude.. Dont follow me.. I'll be sitting for 6 final papers... 26/10(Tue):CSC238(Heart-attack) 27/10(Wed): BEL311(I look stupid) 30/10(Sat): CTU211(Blurred) 2/11(Tue): MAT 233(Heart-Throbbing) 6/11(Sat): CSC253(Multimedia Fright) 14/11(Sun): ECO 120(Completely puzzled) Perhaps no more AD title for this semester.. I'll give that title to other people that deserve it.. p/s: Got carried away....:)

Hey little boy.

Salam... Hey little boy.. Even we rarely talk to each other... Even we always quarrel like cats and dogs.. Even you are a boy and I am a girl.. Even we are not at the same age.. Even you are clever than me.. Even you like Sherlock Holmes and I dont.. Even you like investigation things and I like cooking... Even you are below me and I am above you.. Even you are tall and I am short.. I want to wish youu ALL THE BEST for your exam.. Muhammad Abdul Hadi , I know you can do it.. :) p/s: Best gila amik PMR. :)


Terbaca satu artikel.. Perempuan mesti jaga diri.. Perempuan mesti berlagak mahal.. Terfikir sejenak.. Masih mahalkah diri aku? Menangis dalam hati. p/s: Terkenang dosa lampau. (Salam RAMADHAN)

Back to College

Salam.. It's been a week I've been back to college.. What a jerk.. I hate being a college dude.. Classes,books,lecturers,library surround me all the time.. For the first week,it was okay.. Got new lectureres for all the subjects.. To sum up,I feel so dissapointed to have new lecturers for BEL311.. Aachicha.. I miss Sir Fadhili,an easy-going-and-you-can-speak-in-BM-sometimes-in-class lecturer.. I miss him so much... The new lecturers for BEL311 are Mr.Azaharee and Mrs.Fazmawati.. I've never get 2 lecturers to teach BEL311 since part 1.. X pernah seumur hidup dpt 2 lecturers melainkan subject CSC159.. Logic jgk la subject computer ada 2 lecturers... Tp utk BEL ni pelik jgk la.. Mr.Azaharee is a you-are-stupid-if-you-dont-speak-in-English-in-BEL-class and a jason-mraz-imitator type.. Aachicha.. I cant speak in English from the start until the end of the class... If I'm caught I'll be a dead dude... But,so far he's OKAY... I like his English acc...


Salam.. Baru abis tonton Germany-Ghana match.. X sia2 la dok depan tv.. At last Germany dpt jgk kick one goal. One goal.. Enough for them... Thanks to Mesut Ozil .. Nice & long goal strike.. Lawa jgk jersey hitam Germany.. Rasa mcm nk beli.. Tp x perlu kot.. Fyruz,buy necessary things only.. You need to tighten your purse string.. DSLR camera in mission.. Remember that... Terlepas nk makan nasi kandaq ari ni.. Sedih.. Anyone,bwk sy g makan nasi kandaq.. Mengidam... p/s:Sakit tengkuk.Aaachiichaa...

Two of Us

Two of us.. Sisters Forever.. I just love this picture..

Tersedar kini

Kadang2 Allah sembunyikan matahari.. Dia datangkan petir dan kilat.. Kita menangis dan tertanya-tanya.. Kkemana hilangnya sinar.. Rupa2nya Allah nak hadiahkan kita pelangi.. Oh,aku tiba2 tersedar daripada lamunan.. Ya,Allah pasti sediakan aku sesuatu yg lebih baik.. Setiap benda yg berlaku pasti ada hikmah disebaliknya.. Pasti Allah merancang sesuatu yang lebih baik untuk aku.. Fyruz,get up from your sleep.. Allah will always be with you.. As long as you never forget Him.. p/s: Kuat kuat kuat.

Exam Result?

Salam. Dah masuk berapa hari exam result dah keluar.. Most of the students probably have taken a look at their results.. I'm excluded. Xda kekuatan utk tgk result lg.. Rasa berdebar.. Tadi checked email.. Uitm have emailed me my exam result.. Mcm tau2 ja aku xnak buka studentPortal. Malas nak buka.. Kekuatan blum cukup maksima.. I just ignored the email.. Buat mcm x wujud.. Tunggu la bila tiba masanya,aku akan tgk jgk result aku.. Currently Im not in a take-a-look-at-my-result mood yet... So far,yg aku tau Dzul ja kot yg dpt dekan.. Kamu sgt terer Dzul.. Sy sgt bangga sama kamu la.. Aku xtau result Zue lg.. Cmna la result hmp ek?? Teringin nak tau... Okay la.. Nak tgk Brazil vs Korea Utara... Kaka... Kaka.. Waka waka.. Actually x minat pun Kaka.. Saja nk tgk dia main.. So long.. Bye.. Wassalam.. p/s: Germany..I love you.

Nice shot, Deutsches

Salam.. What an amazing play Deutsches .. I'm proud to be a fan of you.. X sia2 berjaga pagi.. At last Germany have beaten the Down Under country.. 4-0.. Thanks to: Podolski 8' Klose 26' Muller 68' Cacau 70' Nice shots,guys.. Gian nk tgk Lahm beraksi sudah berbayar... Nice kick Lahm... I love you, captain.. I'm waiting for more actions from the Deutsches .. Never ever disappoints me.. Please push yourselves to the limit.. Dont worry.. Im here to support.. Okay,sudah mengantuk.. Nak tido.. Salam.. :P p/s: Waiting for the Azurri to give their nice shots.. :P

Bola Here and There

Salam.. Hola..(learning Spanish now) I feel like want to post something here.. World Cup is coming soon... The fields are heating up.. People all around the world are going to be some kind of crazy after this.. Because the world will be turning into all-about- BOLA place.. Makan bola,tidur bola,mandi bola.. For sure,I'm so into Italy and Germany .. Hopefully,both of the teams will bring back something good for their country.. OMG.. Ballack and some of the good players will not present their countries this year.. I feel weak for a moment.. But nevermind... Que siera siera..(btol ke aku eja?) Sekarang,aku sedang menghabiskan masa lapang dgn m'baca novel.. Currently,I'm reading Bila Dah Suka karya Mimie Afinie, my favourite novelist.. Dah baca sebelum ni,tp saja nak ulang.. Jalan cerita sgt best.. Lepas ni nak baca novel Meen Zulaikha pulak.. She's also one of my favourite novelist.. Then,nak baca novel yg my mum baru beli, Adam & Hawa karya Aisya Sofea.. Aku yg ...

Novel Suatu Kepuasan

Salam.. I'm enjoying my day at home.. Sgt bahagia... Gian nak spend time dgn family dah tercapai.. Gian nak memasak sudah tercapai.. Gian nak kemas rumah dah tercapai.. Gian nak BBQ dgn hanis dah tercapai.. Gian nak baca berpuluh2 novel pun dah tercapai. Gian nak online & chat ngn member2 pun dh tercapai.. Suka sgt baca novel.. My mum yg ajar.. Sekarang dalam proses baca novel Bukan Tak Sudi .. Agak best jgk.. Tp nak tergelak pun ada dgn watak lelaki dlm novel tu.. Ada lg ke lelaki yg setia tunggu perempuan yg x suka kt dia?? Tipu sgt.. Or,I still can't find one.. Tp,betul la tipu.. Penulis gambarkan watak lelaki tu agak perfect... Walaupun sedikit gatal & nakal (hahahaha) tp dia baik,sopan & setia pada yg sat u.. Apa2 ajalah.. Sebelum ni dah baca novel Kalau Dah Jodoh .. Agak best jgk... Penulis yg sama.. Sorang lelaki yg suka teramat sgt kt perempuan yg baru lepas bercerai.. Xpernah lg baca novel yg ada jalan cerita mcm novel tu.. Perempuan tu pula x suka k...

Sejenak bersama ArauOpen

Salam.. For this entry,I'll write about my experiences in ArauOpen program.. It's quite long to tell but I'll make it as short as possible okay.. I'll be putting some pictures in the next entry... Let's start it now.. - 16/5 : Took off from Penang to Arau at 9 am by Livina...Thanks Abah for the long drive..Stop by at Alor Star to search for our baju kurung for Hari Raya(awal kan?)...Kaki rasa lenguh after wandering all over the places to find the best baju kurung....At last,I found one that caught my eyes.. It's purple in color because my mum decided to pick purple color as the theme for this year..Then,we stop by at a restaurant to fill up our empty guts...Around 3 pm,I reached Arau which I dont want it to happen...Checked in at Inai college...Stay with 2 seniors from business course..Kak Izzah and Kak Mai..Both of them are nice to me..Then,I moved to other room with Sarah and Timah...At night,we are given some briefing on what we,as the runners of the program ...

So Far So Bad

Assalamualaikum... I've finished 2 final papers today... Calculus & English paper... CALCULUS : Quite hard... Sakit otak nak jawab.. Never thought it would be that tough... Never expect that DISK METHOD would come out... Didnt memorize the formula.. Saya memang habis kali ini,saat ini.... ENGLISH : Nothing much to comment... Soalan intermediate... It's quite hard for a girl like me who doesnt know much about ENGLISH... :( :(... Whatever.. Let bygones be bygones.. Mr.Fadihili.. Please check my paper with a big and sweet heart.... Flying colors SIR! :P Pengalaman yg xbleh dilupakan hari ini... Hujan lebat bercampur angin waktu nk p amik exam.. Abis kain basah... Bilik B202 ber"aircond"... Sangat sejuk.. Tangan beku utk menulis esei... Otak beku utk keluarkan idea... Thank God invigilator sgt memahami.. Encik Zulkiflee lowered down the temperature... Another 3 papers to go... Programming , Linear Algebra , Computer Organization .... Penang , I miss you like crazy.. W...

Mencari taqwa

Manusia kini Sudah tiada kewarasan Jiwa dirajai nafsu Nafsu mulai mengiringi kehidupan Nafsu mulai mengiringi matlamat hidup Manusia kini Hidup tanpa tujuan Hidup penuh kehinaan Acap kali melakukan kemungkaran Kebatilan menjadi sajian sehari-hari Maksiat menjadi santapan diri Namun Diri tak sedar Diri sudah jauh menyimpang Diri tak sedar Diri semakin hanyut dibawa ombak maksiat Diri tak sedar Diri sudah semakin hilang harga diri Diri tak sedar Diri semakin menghampiri neraka Diri tak pernah sedar Diri tidak punya taqwa pada Yang Esa Kenapa perlu taqwa? Taqwa menyerlahkan kebenaran Taqwa menimbulkan kewarasan Taqwa menimbulkan ketakutan kepada Allah Taqwa membentuk jiwa mulia Hati semakin damai dan tenteram Taqwa perlu dicari Bukan datang sendiri Tepatilah janji dengan Allah Fikirkanlah janji kita kepada Allah Janji yang mesti dikotakan Bukan dimungkiri Tingkatkanlah taqwa Nescaya syurga menjadi jaminan di akhirat kelak p/s: Semakin hari semakin tenang...

CNY Holiday.

Salam..(jawab) At last,I'm home after I left it for quite a long time.. Seriously,I miss Penang.. Let me start my entry with the story of my journey... Aku balik Penang naik kereta api... That's my first time.. Rasa thrill jgk la.. Balik ramai2 pulak tu.. I'd never forget this moment.. 6.20 am-Bangun pagi.Turun dari katil.Started my day with a sweet & refreshing shower.. Mengadap Ilahi.Reciting Al-Quran.Sarungkan jubah.Sarungkan tudung.Penampilan diri sudah sempurna(I dont wear make up please).And packed things yg belum packed lg.Done.. 7.45- Mengusung beg yang beratnya melebihi 10 kg ke kelas dengan muka yang agak tebal walaupun x put on make up..Penat melanda diri aku,Zue dan Shud.Ada suara2 sumbang yg mengutuk kami yg bawa beg 'balik kampung' ke kelas...Xpa,it's not a big issue for me.. 8.00- Mulakan pelajaran Algebra dengan semangat 'balik kampung'.Mata agak lesu sebab semalam tidur agak lewat.Bahu rasa sengal sebab galas beg lappy yg berat..Xram...

Ciao 2009,Hello 2010...

Salam.. Selamat Tahun Baru Masihi 2010.. Pejam celik pejam celik,2010 dah datang bertandang.. Welcome 2010.. Okay,let's start with the things that had came up into my life in 2009.. -Jadi penganggur lepasan spm sepanjang 7 bulan.. -Dapat car licence legally.. -Sem pertama di Uitm.. -Jumpa kawan2 baru di Uitm.. -Terima AD drpd Uitm.. -Met Decent Joey,Mature Duke,Horny Allen.. Aku x puas hati dengan prestasi aku sepanjang 2009.. Especially prestasi aku di hadapan Allah.. Need to work harder.. Banyak lagi benda aku nak capai tahun 2010 ni.. Terlalu banyak utk dicapai.. I have lots of resolutions for this year.. For 2010 year,I'm craving for more.. Moga Allah sedia ampunkan aku.. Itu saja pintaku.. HAPPY NEW YEAR.... NEW YEAR,PROBABLY NEW RESOLUTIONS..